Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Kate from the subpool checking in

Hello, everyone,

Thanks so much for this 23 Things n'@ project. I enjoy learning by doing...and now that I've created a blog, I can (almost) claim now to be an expert in blogging!

Best wishes,

Kate Grannemann


  1. Glad you're having fun so far, Kate! By the time we're done with all 23 Things, you'll have plenty of blog experience - can't wait to see future entries!


  2. Hi Kate. cool pink color for your blog! My daughter is named Kate so I immediately had to check out your blog. She was looking over my shoulder and saw 'her name" so we are happy to post and follow along with you on our 23things journey.

  3. I think creating a blog and making a first post means you're an expert blogger for sure!

  4. Catching up on 23Things...I have now set up a FaceBook page, friended some people, set up a delicious account with some sites bookmarked (including one of a friend's that hadn't shown up on delicious before), posted a YouTube clip on Facebook, browsed Flickr and found some nice pix, browsed YouTube and found a wonderful BBC clip about the eclipse. I'm stumped right now on posting either the pictures or the eclipse.

  5. About Firefox: I've used it before and enjoyed the tabbing capacity. My older Mac OS isn't accepting a download. Searching add-ons for my mythical Firefox, I would choose Autopager, which automatically loads the next page when you reach the end of a page, and AnyColor, which would be fun, changing Firefox's colors.
